Creating Blessings and Mantras to Soothe the Pain Body.
Heart Nourishing Words To Help Get You Unstuck.

Create your own blessings and mantras through writing and meditation. Life is full of pain. Lets use high-frequency words to weave customized blessings. A healing mantra can feel like a walk in the forest. A blessing can help soothe the pain and deep ache of being alive.

In this 105 min session we will hold a sacred circle and play with energy tools.
What if a mantra becomes like a song you like to listen to or sing?
New age culture tends to skip releasing the pain and heads right for the mantra. Love and light is great when it's real. This course will invite you to uncover the pain through journaling and transform the words into personalized healing mantras or blessings.

Meet Your Guide

Rev. Liliana Barzola is a Renowned Spiritual Intuitive and the Founder of Lotus Lantern Healing Arts.
An intuitive since childhood, uses her gift to enable individuals, couples, and organizations to find clarity and direction. She is a first generation, successful Mestiza, Lesbiana entrepreneur. She has conducted over 20,000 healing sessions, and taught over 600 students, since 2002. Her practice, Lotus Lantern Healing Arts, has an international clientele including individuals in Australia, Italy, Germany, Japan, Canada, Venezuela, the continent of Africa, the UK, and every US state.